About Us
AMTESOL was founded in 1982, and membership is open to everyone interested in and or involved in the teaching and administration programs in English as a second or foreign language. In Mississippi we have members from various intensive English programs and public school systems in places such as Hattiesburg, Starkville, and Oxford. In Alabama our members include ESL professionals from all over the state such as Mobile, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Huntsville, Birmingham, Gadsden, and numerous places in-between.
AMTESOL strives to serve the needs of intensive program teachers, administrators, graduate students, and K-12 teachers in the field of ESL. Historically speaking, AMTESOL provided one of the few opportunities for ESL professionals in Alabama and Mississippi to receive local support, professional development, and opportunities to share ideas and experience. Today, AMTESOL strives to continue this service in combination with support programs that may already be in place. Over the years, members of AMTESOL have emphasized that one of the greatest benefits of membership is the connections made in the field of ESL, many of which have lasted for many years.

Our Purpose
To stimulate professional development, provide opportunities for interaction among individual members and local area institutions, and disseminate useful information for the teaching of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL).
To promote and actively support local, regional, and national programs that will improve the teaching of and student access to English as a second language (ESL) in all contexts.
To advocate the recognition of the specialized nature of the TESOL profession on the local, state, and national levels.
To establish and maintain contacts through affiliation with the national organization, TESOL, and other related organizations.
To provide professional advice to government agencies and private educational agencies engaged in the implementation of ESL programs.