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AMTESOL offers several annual awards, which are awarded during the annual conference in January. 

Nominations for the 2026 AMTESOL Awards will open up November 1, 2025 and are due on December 1, 2025.

Spezzini Rural ESOL Teacher Award

Named in honor of Susan Spezzini, Ph.D. (University of Alabama at Birmingham) for her many years of service to AMTESOL, the AMTESOL Spezzini Rural ESOL Teacher Award recognizes one K-12 teacher from an Alabama rural area and one K-12 teacher from a Mississippi rural area, who have excelled as ESL teachers and mentored others in instructional strategies to create a culture of support of English Language Learners. Nominees will be asked to submit a CV or resume. Winners will receive a scholarship to AMTESOL's conference the following year.​​​


Nominees must be:

  • A K-12 ESOL teacher in a rural area of Alabama or Mississippi

  • A current member in good standing of AMTESOL (If the nominee is not a current member of AMTESOL, they may become a member after their nomination)

AMTESOL Teacher of the Year Award

The AMTESOL Teacher of the Year Award recognizes full-time K-12 English Learner teachers, one from Alabama and one from Mississippi, who have excelled as ESL teachers and mentored others in instructional strategies to create a culture of support for English Learners. Nominees will be asked to submit a CV or resume. Winners will receive a scholarship to AMTESOL's conference the following year.


Nominees must be:

  • A full-time K-12 ESOL teacher in Alabama or Mississippi

  • A current member in good standing of AMTESOL (If the nominee is not a current member of AMTESOL, they may become a member after their nomination)



AMTESOL Friend of ESOL Award

The "Friend of ESOL Award" recognizes one person from Alabama and one from Mississippi who have taken special interest in and action towards meeting the needs of our multilingual students and their families and supporting the goals of the local ESOL program. 

  • Goes above and beyond to support the work of ESOL in their district, school or community.

  • Demonstrates a strong commitment to the work of serving our ESOL population.


Nominees could be one of the following in Alabama or Mississippi:

  • K-12 Non-ESOL teacher (general education, special education, electives, etc.)

  • K-12 Instructional coach

  • K-12 Building administrator

  • K-12 District, College, or University personnel serving in a non-ESOL role

  • Support Staff serving in a non-ESOL role (paraprofessionals, office staff, custodial staff, etc.)

  • Community partner (civic-based or faith-based organization representative, business leader, community organization, volunteer, etc.)

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