Information for Sponsors & Exhibitors

January 17-18, 2025
Montgomery, Alabama
Welcome to the AMTESOL 2025 Conference
It is our privilege to welcome all exhibitors and sponsors to the AMTESOL 2025 Conference in Montgomery, Alabama. By visiting your virtual and in-person exhibit, our conference attendees will learn about already-proven products and services for language learners as well as about products and services recently launched by your company. In order to reserve one of the exhibitor spaces available at this year's conference venue, please be sure to submit your exhibitor registration in a timely manner. And, if you have any questions, please be sure to ask. We look forward to seeing you at AMTESOL 2025.
Thank you for your interest in AMTESOL 2025.
AMTESOL 2025 is digital with the Whova event web-based & mobile app!
Digital Booth in the Virtual Exhibit Hall
There is no printed program so all attendees will use the digital Whova app, which features all Exhibitors in a Virtual Exhibit Hall and Sponsors in Banner Ads.
Lead Generation
"Passport" gamification will attract attendees to your in-person booth during the conference.
Exhibit at AMTESOL 2025
Sorry! No more exhibitor slots are available for AMTESOL 2025. We hope to see you in Jackson, MS in 2026.
Exhibitor registrations include:
AMTESOL 2025 in-person exhibit: All day Friday + Saturday morning; booth space, internet and electricity access
Meals & breaks for booth staff: Friday lunch, Saturday breakfast, beverage breaks
Visibility on AMTESOL's website: Company logo and description (as soon as AMTESOL receives your payment until 90 days post-conference)
Visibility during the conference: Company logo on a continuously-looping slideshow on the big screen during the keynote meals
Digital Booth in the Whova Virtual Exhibit Hall: Upload your own company logo, URL, information, promotional video, up to two pdf uploads, Exhibitor business cards
Lead Generation: Whova "Passport" gamification will attract attendees to your in-person booth during the conference
Attendees receive a digital "stamp" when they visit your booth
It's easy & efficient! Scan the unique QR code on the attendee's name badge
Attendees who complete their "Passport" go in the draw for great AMTESOL prizes and swag!
1-year AMTESOL Institutional Membership
$925 Package A: 2 tables and 2 booth staff
$700 Package B: 2 tables and 1 booth staff
$700 Package C: 1 table and 2 booth staff
$500 Package D: 1 table and 1 booth staff
$250 Additional booth staff: Need more than 2 booth staff? Each additional booth staff member is $250.
Online registration requires payment by card. If you need to pay by check, please email us at to register offline.
Sponsor AMTESOL 2025
All sponsorship levels include:
Sponsor Banner Ads in various pages throughout the Whova event web-based and mobile app, including prime Home Page placement (priority according to tiers)
Ads refresh/cycle every few seconds
Clicking the ad takes you to your Digital Booth in the Virtual Exhibit Hall
Visibility at the conference (priority visibility according to tiers)
Priority visibility according to tiers on AMTESOL's website (as soon as AMTESOL receives your payment until 90 days post-conference)
Social media posts (only offered to sponsors, not exhibitors)
1-year AMTESOL Institutional Membership
Sponsorship Tiers
$10,000 Platinum Plus Sponsor
$7,500 Platinum Sponsor
$5,000 Diamond Sponsor
$2,500 Gold Sponsor
$1,250 Silver Sponsor
Interested in sponsoring AMTESOL 2025?
Please email AMTESOL at
Give a Presentation
Would you like to give a presentation at AMTESOL 2025? The AMTESOL Conference is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase transformative products and services that can enhance teaching, research, collaboration, and advocacy for English learners in our region.
As you prepare your 20-minute or 45-minute session proposal, we encourage you to consider the following questions:
What products or services have you developed that transformed classroom instruction and atmosphere for English learners?
​What challenges faced by educators have your products or services addressed?
In what ways have you engaged with parents or the community to support English learners through your products or services?
What new research or innovations can you offer that will shape the future of English learner instruction?
Social media posts (only offered to sponsors, not exhibitors)
Interested in presenting a session during AMTESOL 2025?
The Call for Proposals deadline was September 23rd but we may be able to accommodate additional Exhibitor presentations. Please email us at
Additional Information
Email us at​
Deadline to register as an Exhibitor
Friday, January 3
Mail packages to the venue
Download the information document from The Renaissance Montgomery
​Set up and Strike
Set up: Thursday, January 16th 12:00 - 5:00pm and Friday, January 17th 7:15-8:00am
Strike: Saturday, January 18th 11:15am - 12:45pm
Whova App Digital Booth
All Exhibitors will be invited to build their Whova app digital booths in mid-December.
Lead Generation & Capture
AMTESOL 2025 attendees will be drawn to your in-person exhibit booth by "Passport Contest" gamification. Attendees need to visit your in-person booth and allow you to scan their unique Whova QR code to retrieve their contact data. This captures their lead for you and gives them a "passport stamp". Attendees need to collect a passport stamp from all exhibitors before 11am Saturday to be entered into the prize draw. Please see the instructions at this link: