Pre-Conference Institute

Thursday, January 16, 2025
1:00 - 4:00pm
Montgomery, Alabama
Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa at the Convention Center
PCI Workshops
Get a head start on your conference experience by attending a workshop at AMTESOL's Pre-Conference Institute (PCI). Slated for January 16th, this year's PCI consists of four dynamic workshops, each on a different topic. Select the topic that seems most useful in helping you meet your personal and professional goals. For three engaging hours, a team of PCI presenters will guide you and like-minded colleagues in expanding your knowledge and building your skills — always with the goal of applying what you have learned. With a maximum capacity of 60 attendees per workshop, be sure to register early for the PCI workshop of your choice!
Choose ONE of these 3-hour workshops for a memorable afternoon at AMTESOL's 2025 PCI.
PCI-A: Taking Ownership of Our Life Directions
Learn skills and strategies that empower you for taking your life in the direction you want to go!
Debra Suarez, President of the TESOL International Association
Lori Edmonds, English Learner Education, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Josephine Prado, English Learner Education, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Stephanie Corcoran, School Psychology & Psychometry, University of Alabama at Birmingham
PCI-B: Implementing the Seal of Biliteracy: Voices from the Field
Learn about the Seal of Biliteracy and, based on others' experiences, explore how best to offer this program at your school.
Moderator: Leah Dobbs Black, Shelby County Schools, AL
Sandra Elliott, Co-director of the Mississippi Seal of Biliteracy, MDE
Maria Franco, Director of the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy, ALSDE
Three panelists from Mississippi schools who implement the Seal of Biliteracy in their respective districts
Debbie Blackledge, Jones County School District, MS
Melissa DeAngelo, Pascagoula-Gautier School District, MS​
Stephanie Murley, DeSoto County School District, MS
Three panelists from Alabama schools who implement the Seal of Biliteracy in their respective districts
Nancy Blanco, Birmingham City Schools, AL​
Edmund Martinez, Russellville City Schools, AL
Chad Strawn, Etowah County Schools, AL
PCI-C: Solving the English Pronunciation Puzzle: Do You Hear What I Hear?
Hurry! Only a few seats left in this workshop!
Learn why English pronunciation is challenging for ELs and how you can help them hear and say difficult English sounds.
Mary Earley, Literacy Council of Central Alabama
Patricia Merritt, Fultondale Elementary, Jefferson County Schools, AL
PCI-D: Supporting Language and Content: Interactive Peer-to-Peer Oral Techniques (IPOTs)
Sorry, due to its popularity, this Workshop is at capacity. Please select Workshop A, B, or C.
Learn to support language and content by using IPOTs: an easy way to get students talking with each other in English.
Carol Behel, Weeden Elementary, Florence City Schools, AL
Monica Farris, Weeden Elementary, Florence City Schools, AL
Erica Skidmore, Pick Elementary, Auburn City Schools, AL
Jess Nelson, itinerant teacher for grades PK-12, St. Clair County Schools, AL
Prices include lunch: 12:00-12:50pm
$75 Educators
$50 Full-time Students*
*Full-time Students must provide proof of Spring 2025 enrollment; i.e., 6+ graduate credit hours or 12+ undergraduate credit hours. Email to
Discount for attending both Thursday events: By registering for both the Advocacy Forum (morning) and Pre-Conference Institute (afternoon), you can register for the Advocacy Forum at a discounted price.